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Mongolia launches donation campaign to help China during coronavirus

The government of Mongolia has launched a campaign to provide assistance to China to help contain the outbreak of coronavirus and appointed Minister of Environment and Tourism N.Tserenbat as ahead of a working team responsible for the campaign.

The campaign was named “Emotional Support to Eternal Neighbor” and was handed over to the Chinese side during President of Mongolia's one day visit with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Deputy Minister of Finance Kh.Bulgantuya said that China is the largest trade partner of Mongolia and major development projects are underway in Mongolia since 2010 with a USD 1.5 billion soft loan from China. "… Not to mention the CNY 1 billion grant aid from China to the government of Mongolia in the last years. We call for the public and business entities of Mongolia to cooperate with us and provide their support to our eternal and longstanding friendly neighbor during these challenging times.” said Ms. Kh.Bulgantuya.

Source: Montsame News Agency

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