In the 13th century, Mongolia conquered the largest land empire on earth, covering up 26.1 km.sq. The population of Mongols by then is counted up to be 1.5 million maximum. The founder of the empire and the father to the nation, Chinggis Khaan was truly a one to be born in a millennium.

A Russian scholar who was doing research in Beijing found a book that was written in Chinese kanjis but not in the same language. His further research revealed that the book was written in Mongolian language using Chinese kanjis and it was the tales that pay homage to the legacy of Chinggis Khaan. Interpreting the intention of the author to hide and protect the book by combining two languages, it was called “the Secret History of Mongolia”. The Secret History of Mongolia was translated into modern Mongolian language in 1947 by Tsendiin Damdinsuren.
The book has 13 chapters including ancestry, childhood, teenage years, award of Chinggis title, civil war, revenge against Tatars, acquisition of Central Mongolia, the unification of the country, the establishment of the empire, conquest against foreign countries including Uighur, Jin Dynasty, Tanghut, the Sartuul, Baghdad, and Russia. It also highlights the death of Chinggis Khaan and the reign of Ugudei who became his successor.
The ex-president of Mongolia decreed and proposed all Mongolian families to have one copy of The Secret History of Mongols at their home. Mongolians consider the portrayal of the Secret History of Mongols as the true version of history.

In the document, it is noted that the great leader Temuujin or Chinggis Khaan was born grasping a blood clot in his hand, a sign that he was destined to be a great leader. During his lifetime, he conquered most of Eurasia and his descendants expanded the empire even further. According to the document, Temujin the man who has to become Genghis Khan was a descendant of Burte Chono and Gua Maral which are Mongolian Adam and Eva.
Genghis khan had no life as a fairy tale. As a teenager, Genghis was a fugitive, hiding from enemies on a remote mountainside. He was captured by his father’s former allies, the Taichuud and lost his “Borte” queen, and has experienced betrayal from his blood brother. After struggling to establish back the Khamag Mongol for 27 years, he grasped the opportunity.
His empire which he started and continued by his heirs until 1279 was four times wider than Alexander the Great’s terrain, and twice the size of Ancient Rome’s territory. In some historical documents, even though he was written as ruthless, barbaric and oppressor man, he was an innovator in military tactics, to be sure, but he also fostered the use of modern propaganda, massive free trade routes, modern international rule of law and the free exchange of ideas. The Mongols tended to rule by consensus, rather than by orders, widely promoted the use of paper money, reduced the use of torture and created the idea of diplomatic immunity.
According to the Secret History of the Mongols, he died in August 1227 due to the illness, falling from his horse while hunting. His burial or tomb is not found until now. According to legend, the funeral escort killed anyone and anything across their path to conceal where he was finally buried.